Thursday, March 13, 2008

Return to Arkansas

The birds in the March in Arkansas are very different from those in Soutern California. When I arrived in the Hot Springs area of Arkansas and unpacked I set out the bird feeders. Nothing happened for a day and a half and then the word got out to all my feathered friends. In 15 minutes I had the following species at my feeders:
Carolina Chickadee
American Goldfinch
Red-bellied Woodpecker
Downey Woodpecker
Eastern Bluebird
Tufted Titmouse
Carolina Wren
Dark-eyed Junco
Northern Cardinal
Purple Finch
Pine Siskin
Northern Flicker

I heard a Fish Crow and Red-shouldered Hawk. Not bad for 15 minutes.

Let's continue our history of voice recognition. Alexander Graham Bell (3 March 1847 - 2 August 1922) had the next major impact on the development of this subject. He invented the telephone and changed the world forever. Bell's mother and wife were both deaf. His grandfather, father and brother were associated with elocution and speech. The interest and the background for the invention of the telephone were in place and in 1876 he was awarded a patent for the invention of the telephone. (Wikipedia)

The patenting of the telephone was not a straightforward as it may seem. Independently, Elisha Gray invented the same device. His patent was submitted within a few hours of Bell's. The patent was granted to Bell. A very famous legal battle ensued but Bell won after years of legal fighting.
Now back home I will mention BirdAudio's favorite Audubon chapter. The Hot Springs Village Audubon is one of the larger Audubon groups and includes many retired members. This creates a chapter that is very active. I have pasted an example of some of our activities.

-Meetings are held the second Friday of each month at 10:00 a.m. at Coronado Center.
-The July meeting is a potluck at Cortez Pavilion and there is no August meeting.
-March 14 Carolyn Minson, HSV Audubon President, will present a program on Birding in Costa Rica
-April 11 Joe Mosby, a feature writer with the Village Voice, will give a program on Wood Ducks
-May 9 Dan Scheiman, Audubon Arkansas Director of Bird Conservation, will give a program on
songbirds and their songs
-June 13 HSV Audubon member Fred Garcia will present a program on the Monarch butterfly
-July 11 Annual Potluck at Cortez Pavilion, Angie Reid Morrow, one of our former campers from
Jessieville who has gone on to get a PhD in physical therapy, will speak about the impact her
experiences at the camp had on her life. We also meet the Halberg Ecology Campers
sponsored by HSV Audubon in the 2008 sessions
-September 12 Rusty Scarborough, Education Program Coordinator at Delta Rivers Nature Center, will present a program All About Owls
-April 14 Wildflower walk Middle Fork Barrens off Burk Road, Owensville, with Susan Hooks,
Forest Botanist/Range Program Manager, Ouachita National Forest; meet at 9:00 a.m. in the
parking lot at the corner of Hwy 5 and the entrance road into the East Gate
-April 16 Wildflower walk on Cedar Creek Trail; meet at 9:00 a.m. at Cedar Creek in Parking Lot A
-May 2 Harris Brake, birding—meet 7:30 a.m. in the parking lot at the corner of Hwy 5 and the
entrance road into the East Gate
-May 24 Spring Arts and Crafts Fair at Coronado Center, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.
-June 9 Middle Fork Barrens, wildflower walk to find Pelton's gentian-rose and other wildflowers
-June 17 Waldron, Poteau Ranger District Ouachita National Forest, to see Painted Buntings and Red Cockaded Woodpeckers
-June 25 Red Slough Wetland Wildlife Management Area, Oklahoma, with David Arbour overnight trip
-July 25 First trip to Perk Floyd's to watch hummingbirds being banded
-August 1 Second trip to Perk Floyd's to watch hummingbirds being banded
-September 24 Community Fair, Coronado Center, highlights Village organizations

This number of activities is excellent for a group where some have to carry oxygen bottles to participate!

The songs provided for BirdAudio were recorded by Kevin Colver. Kevin also works with others in the bird song business the most famous of which are Don and Lillian Stokes. Kevin's sound quality is excellent and his response to questions regarding his recording prompt and on target. Visit the BirdAudio website and buy the songs.
Until next month: Good birding.
